Servicebot is a integrated feature from the eSUB IT Support Desk. It allows for interactions of user related tickets within Microsoft Teams in a conversational manner.

  • Below are some general use cases
    • How to start a conversation with Servicebot?
      • Start a conversation with Servicebot just like any within Microsoft Teams. 
      • Select the icon to start a new chat, and type in "Servicebot" within the, "To" field.
    • How to submit/raise a ticket with Servicebot?
      • When in a conversation with Servicebot, type in, "Raise a ticket" and submit the text.
      • It'll bring up an option to put in a ticket request.
    • How to view submitted tickets?
      • A list of submitted tickets can be viewed in conversation by typing, "my tickets" into the chat box and submitting it. 
      • An option to view submitted tickets will be available.
    • Updates from user submitted tickets will show up in the Servicebot conversation.
    • How to reply to a ticket?
      • Replying to a ticket can be done  by selecting the "Reply" option when viewing an update from a ticket in the Servicebot conversation.
    • How to view additional options with Servicebot?
      • Type, "Help" when conversing with Servicebot to view its available options. 
      • As it evolves with functionality, more options should be added under this command.